Welcome to the Sustainable Combustion Technology Collaboration Program (TCP)

Announcement: The47th Task Leaders Meeting (TLM) will be held June 22-26, 2025 in Ischia, Italy 

 See details at this link: http://www.stems.cnr.it/?page_id=3050.

     The Combustion TCP is organized under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA).  The focus is on expanding and developing new scientific and engineering knowledge on combustion.  This knowledge is required for developing advanced generations of lower carbon emission, highly efficient, and ultra-clean combustion systems for transportation, industry, and other commercial and residential uses.  Such improvements will greatly reduce green-house gas and pollutant emissions from combustion systems and improve the efficiency of fuel use.  Responding to market and regulatory conditions, manufacturers are using the new knowledge to develop and improve cost-competitive engines, turbines, furnaces, and boilers that are highly efficient, ultra-clean and reliable.

     More than 80% of our energy needs are provided by combustion-driven energy systems.  This trend will continue for decades and can be sustainable with the development of highly efficient combustion systems using low-carbon fuels.   The TCP is focusing on researching utilization of new and emerging fuels (e.g., e-fuels made from renewable energy, hydrogen, ammonia, etc.) for hard-to electrify applications.  Combustion processes being explored include those in advanced gas turbines and internal combustion engines for transportation (ground, marine and air) and power production, and furnaces, boilers, etc., for commercial and residential applications.  

     Research is conducted through use of advanced experimental and computational techniques that include among others laser and advanced light source diagnostics and direct numerical simulations.  Advances in combustion understanding being achieved have made it possible to develop complex numerical models of combustion systems that are being employed by industry to continually increase the technical and economic performance of more efficient, cleaner engines, furnaces, boilers, etc. 

     The Combustion TCP program is also helping develop a new generation of engineers and scientists with state-of-the art knowledge in the field through university and student participation in the program.

Twelve countries currently participate in the Combustion TCP: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The United States serves the Operating Agent for the TCP.